03 July 2012

The Great Outdoors

Mikkel found a friend in our ward who really loves to mountain bike (actually, he shares many of Mikkel's interests....it's kinda creepy). Jay told us about a "sweet trail" he likes to do and invited Mikkel go try it out. That meant the wives came along as well and ferried the boys around.

Leanne and I dropped our husbands off at the head of Wolverine Creek Tr. and drove around and down to the bottom to meet them. The first time we picked them up we pulled up to the end of the trail RIGHT as the boys came careening out of the brush. It was perfect timing!

It was a pretty fun adventure and gave me the chance to be out in some beautiful nature. Although it was incredibly windy and dusty because it has been so dry out here. Mikkel said it made things a little tricky when braking because your tires could slide out really easily. He had a few spills, one of which involved him being thrown over his handle bars at high speed and resulted in a nice big scrape. And his helmet saved him from some decent hurt at least twice he told me, not exactly something a wife wants to hear but I'm sure it'll get worse as I have sons. He was properly banged and scraped up so I took him home, cleaned him up, and tended to his wounds. I will say though, it's nice having a manly man to be married to : )

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